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Monday, October 13, 2008

Weather The Storm

In life we all are going to go through some type of unpleasant changes. It is how you deal with it, and go through those changes that matter. Sure we will get some cloudy and rainy days, but as we all know you cannot make it through a rain storm without getting a little wet. How do we deal with that wetness from the storm? Do we continuously cry about the fact that we got wet, or do we learn from it and prepare not to get so wet the next time a storm hits? I know these are some tough economic times for many of us, and we are making some tough decisions due to these crisis. A lot of home owners have lost their houses and the equity that they put into them, and many of us have lost money on our 401k's. We can only learn from this experience and grow. I still have not secured my 401k, but I am looking into all my options. I am saying all this to say that I will not allow this to break me down. I do not have a dime to lose, and at this present time I have to decide which bills I am going to pay, and which ones I will be late on this month. I do not worry about that which I have no control over, but I do all within my power to rectify the situation. I do extra work on my days off if I can get it, but that still don't quite get it at times. I know there are many that are worst off than me, and I do not take any relilef in that fact. However, I do thank God, and I pray for those that are less fortuanate then me. I still find away to give back, and this here blog is just one of my ways. Let's not panick due to the economy, because we do have the resilience to bounce back from this crisis. The country pulled together during 911, well this is another time that we need to pull together as a nation and community. Am I my brothers keeper? A keeper will not allow his brother and children to go hungry, or without help. I am not saying to turn over all your goods, but I am saying each one reach one (pay it forward). God blessed you with what you have, so why not bless someone else? I want everyone out there that are reading my blogs to know that you are not alone! No matter what it is that you are experiencing there are others going through, and those that have been through. That is the purpose of my sites...they are to help people that are going through something. This is a toolbox that you can come to when you are in need of some advice, or you just want to hear someone elses success story. You can also tell your story so that others can learn from it, or assist you. This is a channel about discovering the champion in you. In the near future I am going to post videos on various subjects allowing you to see and hear from others that have overcome things in their lives. I also am about to start telephone conferences that will have a variety of professionals including myself on various issues. That is why I ask that you all complete the survey, and tell me what it is that you would like to hear about or see material about. This site is not about me, but it is about us. We all can learn from one another. The only way you can keep knowledge is to pass it on..."pay it forward". Knowledge is worthless if you keep it to really cannot be considered knowledge if no ones knows about it, so let us apply the wisdom to use the knowledge that God has given to us. When God annoits you with a gift the annoiting is not for you but for others. God has not brought you this far just to drop you by the way side. You just have to have faith that all will be well. You know for every dark and cloudy night there is a bright sunny day. Whatever storm you may be encountering right now will pass over. Until next time...

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