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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Success IsYours!!!

What is success? Are you successful? How do you measure success? Do you allow others to decide if you are successful or not? Most of us measure success by things, and how other people view us. Your success should be measured by only you. Take back the power you have given to things and other people. If you allow others to dictate what you can feel good about then they will be the ones that define who you are in life.

1 comment:

gabby said...

Well written d! I agree, most people measure success with the material things he/she have. People need to think and act as themselves rather than try to impress others.A person needs to be content with who they are and if they're not, than they need to dig deep within to become the person they want to become. God made us all unique,and put us here for a reson and purpose in life.