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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Change Change Change...

Election day is right around the corner, and one way or another the country is about to take a turn. I cannot tell you all how important it is to get out and vote. I am not trying to tell you who to vote for, but if you do or don't like the way things are then make your voice heard. Me personally I cannot take another day under this Bush administration!!! Yes, I am voting for Obama, and I can hardly wait to enter my vote. I just may go to Grant Park in Chicago on election day, because I am really looking for some sense of relief. The political process is very important, and we all need to participate in it. How can we ever say we are tired of this or that, but yet we are doing nothing to change it? Our vote makes all the difference! I appeal to any and everyone that are reading my blogs to get out and vote. This is going to be a historical election day, and you will be able to say that you was apart of it. That will be one day that you will remember for the rest of your life! You will be apart of that history, and you can say I helped to make that happen. I really would like to encourage our youth to get out and vote, because they need to see the difference that they can make. I believe that will encourage them to participate in other things. They only need to see what can be done when they come together as a collective. Then we will see positive programs, positive attitudes, and youngsters with plenty of hope. This election is important for so many reasons. We have a chance to do for our youth, elders, and every other category. Now is the time to stand up and be heard! I know some of you may not want to see too much about an election, because you can turn to the news to see and hear all this, right? Wrong! The news is not going to give it to you like I am. I am your average Joe trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents, and a lot of broadcasters do not know a thing about that! You are getting a real live view from the hood in the hood from a an ex hood. Yeah, I had to add that last part, because it just made it sound better. hahaha On a serious note, I told you all that on my blogs and website that we will be seeing things through the average men/women/children eyes, and I invited you all to come aboard to share your thoughts. We really do want to hear from you. All comments are visible to the public, and you need not leave a name if you prefer not to. We keep hollering about CHANGE, well I am giving you a chance to make a difference right here right now! Obama do not have any overnight solutions to all our problems! We have to get involved to help make these much needed and necessary CHANGES! We have to take control and responsibility for ourselves and our actions. No longer can we allow a few to make decisions that effects millions! The people have the right to decide if something is right or wrong for them. No one should be telling us how to raise our children, especially if they do not help us raise our children or know them! We need to get on the ball, and learn all over again what it means to be head of our households. The teachings begins in the household, and from there we can pour it out into the communities. Obama cannot do for you what you refuse to do for yourself. I do admit that he has some very good ideas, but work must go behind the ideas to make it a reality. Are you willing to put in the work? Let's get started by doing our duty and voting! Let's make it happen...until next time...